Sunday, February 23, 2014

Gymnastics Serious Talk: Anorexia

I know I like talking about current news in gymnastics, like 2016, or reflecting on 2012, but not right now, not on Sunday February 23rd at 7:08 P.M.  In order to do all the amazing tricks and flips, they have to keep thin, most gymnasts do it by eating healthier, but every once in awhile, there is always that gymnast who doesn't think eating healthier alone will get their weight down. They starve themselves so they can be skinny, and they become anorexic. Gymnasts think that starving themselves will help them win, when in reality, it makes them lose, they get too weak, they faint, their career ends, and in extreme cases, they die. Here is a gymnast who was a perfectly well gymnast,

1. Christy Henrich- She was at the top of the World!!! She was competing amazingly. But when a full-of-crap judge told her that she needed to lose weight, Christy went over the edge and starved herself. Henrich even had a move named after her on beam, that some still do today, but when that judge told her that she needed to lose weight, that she was fat, Christy just left it all behind! She starved herself and died! We all loved Christy, we thought that she was an amazing gymnast, but she threw it all away.

   Ever since that judge told Henrich that she was fat, and she died, that judge was fired, naturally, and gymnastics judging was considered a whole new way.

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