Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Remembering the Greats: Nadia Comeneci

     Nadia Comeneci one of the few gymnasts who was successful in redefining the sport of gymnastics. She was the first gymnast who had the perfect mix of artistry, grace, lean, long lines, and power. She was the greatest gymnast in Romanian History, she was the first, and one of the only Romanian Gymnasts to win the gold medal, in the individual all-around, the world was devastated when Nadia did her last beam routine, sticking every landing and making it worth it. My friend, Katsya, said that she cried when she watched Nadia stick her last landing. Nadia was beautiful, artistic, and a huge figure in this sport. She came in as a little girl, coached by legendary Bela Karoyli, she competed at Romanian Nationals, and amazed the audience when she delivered a stellar floor routine, and the judges that tried to kick her out 90 seconds before, never wanted her to leave. After Nationals, even though she was too young to make it, she was too young. But when Nadia saluted to the judges, the judges applauded, and Bela was swarmed with offers to take his little 13 year old to Worlds and beyond, to the Olympics, to fame. Nadia was amazed, how famous she was after 90 seconds.
  We were amazed. Romania, even the world was amazed. Nadia then went on for bigger, better things, she won everything she entered. From Romanian Nationals to the Olympics. She won a lot, more than I can count, but luckily, not more than Wikipedia can count, here is a table of what Nadia wo

 Lets give a hand to Wikipedia, thanks Wikipedia, for spending time and making this table

    As you see, there a lot more gold than there are silver or bronze, that's just good old Nadia, gold defines her.

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