Friday, February 28, 2014
A new Elite Competition!
For months, we have been struggling to find elite competitions, but tomorrow, yes that's right, tomorrow..................... Is the AT&T American Cup!!!!!!!!!! I am excited to see the competition, and see the newest gymnasts out on the floor. Also, tonight is the Nastia Liukin Cup, so make sure to watch that too!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Yamilet Pena Abreu: What she needs to do if she wants to keep doing the Pordunova
I have stressed in my past articles about how bad Abreu from the Dominican Republic is at the Pordunova vault. As mad as I am at Abreu, I have to hand it to her, she has persistence. But if Abreu wants to become a better gymnast, I think she should try doing the All-Around, her power will help her on floor and vault, and she would need to practice on beam and bars. because of artistry. And grace, but if Abreu wants to keep doing that vault, she needs to become an all-arounder so she does not wreck her career as a gymnast. Before watching qualifications, in London, I had never heard of Abreu, probably because she can't land a vault.
Triplewhip's Opinion On: Collegiate Gymnastics
With the elite gymnastics season not even started yet, and with the collegiate gymnastics season over half-way through, its time to think about switching to collegiate. If you are like me, and enjoy re-watching competitions, but your family gets annoyed when you do (Especially brothers)...... then this article will help you......... If you never really got into collegiate gymnastics, I think that this is the time you should. In this article, I will show you the pros of watching collegiate gymnastics......
1. Collegiate Gymnastics uses the 10.00 system
I was born in 1998, and never got into gymnastics while the 10.00 system was around, because it ended in 2004, and I was only six, still interested in Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Octonauts, and all those kiddy shows, I was not old enough to see the beauty and the grace that is gymnastics. So, now I am older, I always wanted to see the gymnastics 10.00 system, and now I can.
2. More Grace and Artistry-
In Elite gymnastics, the gymnasts have to pack so much difficulty into their beam, bars, and floor routine, that they don't have time to let their personalities shine through, but with the rules a lot less hectic than they are in elite, the gymnasts can decrease the stunt number and increase the artistry.
3. Old-School Dismounts
On beam, the gymnasts can do the old school dismounts, the easier ones, I personally LOVE the swing-leg dismount, the swing-leg dismount is when the gymnast is at the center of the beam, swings her leg up, and can put in any amount of twists, and they land at the side of the beam, we don't see that in elite gymnastics anymore
4. Less Complicated Skills
In collegiate gymnastics, the gymnasts do not have to do hard stunts like the whip whip to 1 1/2 to triple twists, which is a standard pass in elite gymnastics, they can do easier skills like a round-off, hand spring hand spring to punch front, I know the collegiate gymnastics pass sounds difficult, but it is not as difficult as the whip whip to 1 1/2 to triple, it is much easier
So when there are no elite gymnastics competitions, you can always tune in to collegiate gymnastics. Try It!
1. Collegiate Gymnastics uses the 10.00 system
I was born in 1998, and never got into gymnastics while the 10.00 system was around, because it ended in 2004, and I was only six, still interested in Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Octonauts, and all those kiddy shows, I was not old enough to see the beauty and the grace that is gymnastics. So, now I am older, I always wanted to see the gymnastics 10.00 system, and now I can.
2. More Grace and Artistry-
In Elite gymnastics, the gymnasts have to pack so much difficulty into their beam, bars, and floor routine, that they don't have time to let their personalities shine through, but with the rules a lot less hectic than they are in elite, the gymnasts can decrease the stunt number and increase the artistry.
3. Old-School Dismounts
On beam, the gymnasts can do the old school dismounts, the easier ones, I personally LOVE the swing-leg dismount, the swing-leg dismount is when the gymnast is at the center of the beam, swings her leg up, and can put in any amount of twists, and they land at the side of the beam, we don't see that in elite gymnastics anymore
4. Less Complicated Skills
In collegiate gymnastics, the gymnasts do not have to do hard stunts like the whip whip to 1 1/2 to triple twists, which is a standard pass in elite gymnastics, they can do easier skills like a round-off, hand spring hand spring to punch front, I know the collegiate gymnastics pass sounds difficult, but it is not as difficult as the whip whip to 1 1/2 to triple, it is much easier
So when there are no elite gymnastics competitions, you can always tune in to collegiate gymnastics. Try It!
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Gymnastics: Vaults
Vaults Without Saltos
1. Handspring Forward On: Difficulty: 2.40
The gymnast does a handspring onto the board, pushes off, and holds the laid-out position throughout.
Handspring Front On:

2. Yamashita: Difficulty: 2.60
In this vault, the gymnast will do a handspring onto the table, and pike slightly in midair, enough to illustrate the pike, but not to the point where the gymnast will touch his/her toes.

3. Yamashita Half-Off:Difficulty: 3.00
The gymnast will do the Yamashita, but they will add a half twist, please note that in adding the half twist, the gymnast will have to get enough height to do the pike when she is above the table, and then do the half twist on the way down
Yamashita Half-On

4. Handspring with half twist on, half twist off: Difficulty: 3.00
In this vault, the gymnast will jump onto the table, but before touching the table, the gymnast must execute a half turn, and when they push off, they will need to execute another half turn before his/her feet hit the ground
5. Handspring forward on, full twist off: Difficulty: 3.20
The gymnast will do a handspring onto the table, and will do a full twist after leaving the table
6. Handspring Full Twist On: Difficulty: 3.20
On this vault, the gymnast will jump off the springboard, and before leaving the table he/she will do a full twist, and after leaving the table, the gymnast will NOT do a twist or flip, but will just bounce off the horse and stay in a layout position, but will not do an actual layout.

7. Yamashita with Full Twist off: Difficulty: 3.40
The gymnast will do a Yamashita, but has to get enough height so she can do both the Pike and the full twist, it is recommended that you do the pike as soon as you leave the horse.

8. Handspring Forward on 1 1/2 twists
The gymnast will handspring onto the horse, but after leaving it, he/she will do 1 1/2 twists, preferably cleanly, tight, and no split-legs
9. Handspring forward on, double twist off: 4.00
The gymnast will do a handspring onto the table, and when she/he leaves the table, he/she will do a double twist, it is hard to stick this landing, just because of the power the gymnast must generate to complete the twists.

10. Handspring full twist on, full twist off: 4.00 Difficulty
The gymnast will jump onto a springboard, touch the horse, but before leaving the horse, the gymnast MUST do a full twist, and after leaving the board it is mandatory that the gymnast does another full twist off the horse
Vaults With Saltos
1. Handspring Front Tuck Salto: Difficulty: 4.40
The gymnast will do a handspring onto the board, and after leaving the board, must execute a salto, or a flip.
2. Handspring Front Pike Salto: Difficulty: 4.60
The gymnast will do a Handspring Front Salto, but instead of tucking her body, the gymnast will pike it, please note that the gymnast will have to achieve full pike shape, not like in the Yamashita where the gymnast only has to show a slight pike.

3. Handspring Tuck Frunt Salto with half twist: Difficulty: 4.80
In this vault, the gymnast will do a salto or a flip off the horse, and then the gymnast will add a half twist

4. Handspring half twist to tuck back salto (Cuervo): Difficulty: 4.80
The gymnast will do a half twist onto the horse, and then they will do a back salto (Tuck/Flip)

5. Handspring front pike salto with half twist: Difficulty: 5.00
The gymnast will do a handspring onto the horse, and then the gymnast will do a pike.

6. Handspring half twist to pike back salto (Cuervo II): Difficulty: 5.00
The gymnast will twist onto the horse, and then he/she will execute a salto. (Flip)

7. Handspring front straight salto (Ewdokimova): 5.00
Also called a handspring layout, the gymnast will do a front handspring onto the board, and then do a straight salto, or a layout.

8. Handspring front straight salto (layout) with a half twist (Wang W.G): Difficulty: 5.40
The gymnast will do a handspring, and then the gymnast will do a layout, but the gymnast must add a half twist
9. Handspring front pike salto with full twist (Chusovitina): Difficulty: 5.50
The gymnast will do a front handspring onto hte horse and do a pike, but the gymnast will add one full twist.
10. Handspring Front Tuck Salto With 1 1/2 twists: Difficulty: 5.70
The gymnast will do a front tuck, but he/she will add 1 1/2 twists

11. Handspring front straight salto with full twist: Difficulty: 5.80
The gymnast will do a front handspring, he/she will do a salto, and add a full twist

12. Handspring front pike salto with 1½ twist: Difficulty: 5.90
The gymnast will do a front pike, in the salto position, and will add 1 1//2 twists

13. Handspring front straight salto with 1½ twist (Rudi/Chusovitina): Difficulty: 6.20
The gymnast will do a layout, or a straight salto, and add 1 1/2 twists.

14. Handspring double front salto tucked (Produnova)
On this vault, the gymnast will need to get enough height to execute 2 flips, and once the gymnast is high in the air, he/she will do the two flips.

Tsukaharas (Half Twist in Pre-Flight)
1. Tsukahara tucked (Tourischeva): Difficulty: 4.00
In this vault, the gymnast will do a half twist onto the board, still using the handspring approach, and will go into a tuck, flipping to the ground, once.

2, Tsukahara piked: Difficulty: 4.20
The gymnast will do a half twist onto the board, and then will pike off, (The Tsukahara will always have a half twist onto the board)

3. Tsukahara straight: Difficulty: 4.20
The gymnast will do a half twist onto the horse, and do a layout off of the horse
4. Tsukahara tucked with half twist: Difficulty: 4.30
The gymnast will do a half turn onto the horse, after leaving it, the gymnast will do a tuck and add a half twist

The Gymnast will do a half turn onto the horse, after leaving the horse, the gymnast will do a tuck, and add a full twist.

The gymnast will do a half twist onto the board, they will execute a layout, but this time a half twist will be included.

7. Tsukahara tucked with 1½ twist: Difficulty: 5.10
The gymnast will do a half twist onto the board, and then the gymnast will do a tuck, and then add 1 1/2 twists.

The gymnast will do a half twist onto the horse, do a layout, and add one twist.

9. Tsukahara straight with 1½ twist: Difficulty: 5.50
The gymnast will do a half twist onto the horse, do a layout, and add 1 1/2 twists

The gymnast does a half turn onto the table, and then she will do a layout, and add two twists.

1. Yurchenko Tucked: Difficulty: 3.80
The gymnast will round-off, bounce onto the table, push off, and do a back tuck

2. Tucked Yurchenko with half twist: Difficulty: 4.10
The gymnast will round-off, hit the springboard, bounce off the table and do a tuck, but this time the gymnast will add a half twist

3. Tucked Yurchenko with full twist: Difficulty: 4.40
The gymnast will round-off, bounce off the springboard, tuck, this time, a full twist will be executed as well
4. Straight Yurchenko: Difficulty: 4.40
The gymnast will do a round-off, bounce off the springboard, and do a layout.

5. Straight Yurchenko with half twist: Difficulty: 4.70
The gymnast will round-off, do a layout, but this time the gymnast will add a half a twist

6. Tucked Yurchenko with 1½ twist: 4.90
The gymnast will round-off, jump onto the springboard, after leaving it, the gymnast will do a tuck and add 1 1/2 twists
7. Piked Yurchenko: Difficulty: 4.90
The gymnast will do a round-off, pop off the springboard, and pike his/her body.

8. Straight Yurchenko with full twist: Difficulty 5.0
The gymnast will do a round-off, jump off the springboard, push off the table, do a layout, and at a full twist.

9. Straight Yurchenko with 1½ twist: Difficulty: 5.30
The gymnast will round-off, jump off the springboard, push off the table, do a layout, and add 1 1/2 twists.
The gymnast will do a round-off, jump onto the springboard, and do 2 full twists, in thee laid out position.

The gymnast will do a round-off, jump off the springboard, pop off the horse, do 2 1/2 twists in the laid-out position.

Yurchenkos with half twists in pre-flights (Half-
1. Round-off, half-on, front tuck salto: 4.60
The gymnast will round-off, do a half twist onto the board, and then will do a forwards flip.

The gymnast will round-off, do a half twist onto the table, and then will execute a front pike

3. Round-off, half-on, front tuck salto with half twist (Ivantcheva): Difficulty: 5.00
The gymnast will do a round-off, then a half twist, the gymnast will then do a front flip, and add a half twist
The gymnast will round off, do a half twist, do a front pike, the gymnast also adds a half twist

The gymnast will round off do a half twist, launch off the table, do another half twist, and do a back tuck

6. Round-off, half-on, front straight salto: Difficulty: 5.20
The gymnast will do a round-off, do a half twist onto the horse, and do a layout

7. Round-off, half-on, front tuck salto with full twist (Servente): Difficulty: 5.50
The gymnast will round off, do a half twist on, and will do a front tuck, and add a full twist

8. Round-off, half-on, front straight salto with half twist: Difficulty: 5.60
The gymnast rounds-off, does a half twist onto the horse, pushes off the board, does a front flip, and adds a half twist.

The gymnasts rounds-off, does a half twist onto the board, pushes off and does a front tuck, and also includes a 1 1/2 twist

10.Round-off, half-on, front straight salto with full twist: Difficulty: 6.00
The gymnast will round off, do a half twist onto the horse, and do a layout with a full twist after she has left the board

11. Round-off, half-on, front pike salto with 1½ twist: Difficulty: 6.10
The gymnast rounds off, does a half twist on, and then does a front pike with 1 1/2 twists

The gymnast will round-off, do a layout with 1 1/2 twists

Yurchenkos with Full Twist in Pre-Flight
1. Round-off, full twist on, tuck back salto (Luconi): Difficulty: 4.60
The gymnast will do a round off, a full twist onto the table, and does a backflip off.

2. Round-off, full twist on, pike back salto: Difficulty: 4.80
The gymnast will round-off, do a full twist onto the board, and do a backwards pike after she has left the springboard

3. Round-off, full twist on, tuck back salto with full twist: Difficulty: 5.20
The gymnast will round off, do a full twist onto the horse, and after the gymnast leaves the vault the gymnast will do a back tuck with a full twist.

4. Round-off, full twist on, straight back salto: Difficulty: 5.20
The gymnast will do a round-off, she will then to a full twist onto the horse, and after the gymnasts leaves the vault, the gymnast will do a layout

5. Round-off, full twist on, straight back salto with full twist: Difficulty: 5.80
The gymnast will round-off, do a full twist onto the horse, and will do a layout with a full twist

There you go! There all are the vaults in gymnastics!
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